Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Self-Care Tips for After Your Maxillofacial Surgery

In case you have recently gone through maxillofacial surgery, there are some important self-care tips that you can use. First of all, you should adhere to the post-operative care instructions that are provided by your surgeon. Such instructions are usually tailored to the patient’s specific needs, and are very important for recovering successfully.

Parker sedation dentist

You should also take prescribed pain medications as your surgeon indicates you to. According to a respected Parker sedation dentist, you should never wait until pain gets too severe. On the contrary, you need to take medication right on schedule. Another great idea is to use ice packs to reduce swelling and in order to numb the surgical area.

At the same time, you should follow your doctor’s instructions for keeping your teeth clean all the time. This routine may also include using a mouthwash. You need to brush your teeth gently, while avoiding the surgical area, if you want to properly maintain oral hygiene. It is highly recommended to use a soft-bristle toothbrush.

Moreover, you should keep a soft or liquid diet for the first days or weeks after the surgery, as surgeons usually advise. This may include soups, yogurt, smoothies, and other easy-to-chew foods. Spicy, crunchy or hard foods should be avoided.