Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Pediatric Dentistry Concerns: Choosing Dental Implants for Kids

Pediatric dentistry does not usually involve dental implants for children. But there can be some extremely rare and specific circumstances, under which they can be a good choice. The usual procedure for dental implants is to be introduced at an adult age, therefore after jawbones have fully developed. That is due to the fact that the jawbone actually keeps on growing and developing all throughout adolescence, and if you place some dental implants in a growing jaw can have some serious complications.

dental implants Parker

Children's teeth are still erupting, and their permanent teeth may not have fully come in. According to dental implants Parker experts, dental implants require a stable environment, and placing them too early may interfere with the natural eruption of teeth. Moreover, dental implants need a stable and fully developed jawbone for proper integration. In children, the bone is still maturing, and early implant placement can lead to complications as the jawbone continues to grow.

Also, children may not fully understand the implications and responsibilities associated with dental implants. It goes without saying that implants require proper oral hygiene and care, and children may struggle with such responsibilities.

Pediatric dentistry often focuses on more conservative approaches for managing dental issues in children, such as orthodontic treatment, space maintainers, and other non-invasive methods.