Friday, October 14, 2022

Important Facts to Remember About Oral Pathology

Although the main reasons why patients come to dental offices are prophylactic checks and dental diseases, for a complex assessment, at each consultation, it is also necessary to make a radiological evaluation and an examination of the oral mucosa. Thus, dentists can have a complete overview of the oro-dental health of each of their patients.

The examination of the oral mucosa is performed initially by visual methods that only require good light, an ordinary consultation kit and a careful dentist, with experience in diagnosing diseases of the oral mucosa. At the present time, modern technologies have appeared that complement this visual examination. For example, there are devices that use the self-fluorescence property of tissues, being able to detect areas where increased cellular metabolic activity takes place.

A doctor I know that performs complex wisdom tooth extraction, affirms that the pathology of the oral mucosa is diverse and complex, both in terms of etiology and mechanisms of production, and in terms of therapeutic implications and prognosis of diseases that manifest themselves at this level.

Frequently asked questions

What does oral pathology entail?

Oral pathology is the examination of the oral mucosa, necessary before any intervention, with the aim that the specialist doctor has an overview of the oro-dental health of the patient.

How is this examination carried out?

The main method used is visual, but the dentist may also use non-invasive modern technologies that improve the examination.

When should I come to the dentist for a pathological examination?

Every time you feel discomfort or certain changes in the oral mucosa.